Single Mothers
By Choice
Toni Jacalone, MS RDN
The SMC Dietitian
Hi! I’m Toni Jacalone, I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who guides single mothers by choice through nutrition and diet choices to make this journey as smooth as possible.
My approach is similar to coaching but backed by science, data and an individualized approach to each client. I’m on the journey to become a single mother myself, and I’m honored to get to guide other women as they take steps toward motherhood.
I promote plant-based nutrition and lifestyle changes but with an Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size (HAES) approach.
How I Work With SMC Clients
I advise single mothers by choice (SMC) on diet and lifestyle changes at least 3-6 months before starting the pregnancy process. It takes a few months for changes to take effect in your body. I know what it’s like to be in your shoes — my goal is to make the nutrition side of the process as easy as it can be. Working with me will take one part of this big, overwhelming process off your plate so you can focus on what matters most.
Monthly Counseling
Wherever you are in the process, I can also work with you on a month-to-month basis. If you’re tired of Googling and wondering what’s best for your individual body and lifestyle, we can make a plan together to empower you in starting the process to become a single mother by choice.
3-6 Month Counseling
A lot can be accomplished in just a few months. If you’re in the trying stage and you’re trying to navigate lab tests, various medical expenses, figuring it out all on your own, etc., having an ally in the process can make all the difference. We’ll talk through your diet, what supplements could help, what lifestyle and food changes could make a difference, and more.
6+ Month Counseling
If you’re six or more months out from beginning the IVF or IUI process, or if you’re currently a thinker rather than a tryer, I recommend this option. We’ll meet about twice a month for six months to go through your current diet, your health and nutrition history, your goals and current lifestyle, and how to get you on track to be set up for success.

“Toni has extensive knowledge about nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle/behavior changes that promote fertility, combined with a warm, sunny personality that made me excited and confident about the path I have chosen.”
– Allison K.
Do you wish you had a list to guide you?
Getting ready to become a single mother by choice can leave your head spinning. What’s the ideal timeline? What do I need to do before I get started? What should I be doing six months out, four months out, one month out? Don’t worry — my checklist gives you an outline to get started.